Lola is a sixteen year old grade mare standing just shy of fourteen three hands and nice made. This mare has some fancier buttons. She will easily side pass, pick up her leads, trot/lope circles, has a nice stop, moves off leg pressure and neck reins. She is gentle to be around and handle. She has ridden off the same after sitting. She will ride off by herself and in a group. Lola crosses water/logs/ditches etc. She is good around dogs/traffic/farm equipment. She is good in the herd and isn’t mareish. Would make a nice 4H prospect. Fun to ride but will just walk along if that’s all that is asked of her. She has a country horse walk and will go wherever you point her. Best suited for a confident/advanced beginner on up as she is easy to get to go/stop etc. A great size and age for most riders. Located in Dodgeville, WI and can ship anywhere in the U.S forty five hundred Watch her videos: